Cards are a great replacement for cash, but what if you are short on cash and do not have your card on you?
Well, for your cash shortage emergencies, Bank of Beirut has developed the “Instacash”, a service that gives you access to instant cash at any Bank of Beirut’s ATM, with the simple usage of a mobile phone, even when you can’t access your bank cards.
- Initiate the Instacash transaction via Bank of Beirut online service or Mobile Banking App
- Transfer the needed amount to yourself or anyone else.
- Head over to the nearest ATM and enter your phone number, the security code you received via SMS– if you are transferring the money to yourself - and the one obtained as the sender.
- Get the money in cash
Do not worry anymore if you forget your wallet at home, or even don’t have your own banking card, transfer with Instacash.