20 Aug 2019

How much to spend on an engagement ring?

Whether you want to pay the ring a big amount or you want to pay but not to the extent of draining yourself, here’s what you can do.

For many people the former tradition of spending two months’ earnings on a diamond is a lot of money.

The shift
Getting engaged is an exciting time in your life. It doesn’t have to be a stressful one! So without the concern of spending a fortune on a ring, couples can plan a more extravagant honeymoon, a bigger wedding or even save toward purchasing a home.
One reason young couples aren’t prioritizing funds for the bling of a glitzy ring may be the environment in which they grew up.
Today’s modern couples are tending towards preferring the pursuit of positive memories over the value of an expensive engagement ring.
For many, memorable experiences carry more weight than materialistic items.
The socially accepted amount you should spend on an engagement ring has trended down as more people are discovering that the large diamond engagement ring is not a requirement.

The Best way to spend less
Spending less doesn’t mean you have to buy a low quality ring. Follow these tips below and you’ll be on your way to finding a more affordable sparkler.
You can shop Online or find diamond alternatives or man made diamonds.