10 Mar 2020

The Corona Virus COVID-19: What You Need To Know

Modes of Transmission of the Corona Virus
- Person to person contact of an infected person
- Through respiratory secretions of an infected person (mucus, saliva, …)
Facts about the Corona Virus
- The Corona virus has high infectivity rate
- The incubation period of the virus (time between transmission and the onset of systems) can last from 2 to 14 days
- The virus may live up to several days on surfaces such as clothes, utensils, and furniture
- People who are infected can show no symptoms, but may still be infectious
- There is no specific vaccine for the Corona virus yet. Most patients will recover on their own with proper rest and medical follow-up.
Main symptoms of a Corona Virus Infection Include:
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of Breath
- Fatigue and pain in muscles
How to Prevent a Corona Virus Infection
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol based (at least 60%) hand sanitizer
- Do not put your hands near your eyes, nose, and mouth
- Avoid contact (at least 2 meters distance) with individuals sneezing or coughing
- If you are healthy, no need for face masks, even in crowded places
- Follow respiratory/ cough etiquette by sneezing/ coughing into a tissue that is immediately thrown into a closed bin or your elbow
- Avoid contact of items/ surfaces in public spaces
- Stay hydrated by consuming fluids regularly throughout the day
- Wash and prepare food following hygienic measures
- Do not share food utensils or other personal items
- Maintain proper hygiene habits
- Maintain proper sleep, exercise and eating habits to boost the immune system
When should you suspect being infected by the virus?
- If you have a travel history or a close family of yours have a travel history to any country which has reported cases of the virus, such as China, Iran , Italy…
- If you have close contact with a suspected or confirmed patient within the last 14 days
What To Do in Case You Suspect a Corona Virus Infection
- Stay at home and contact your doctor for instructions
- Stay in a well- ventilated room away from your family and friends
- Do not share your items with others such as towels, clothes, utensils (consider using disposable plates and eating utensils)
- Use tissues to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and discard it immediately
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water (for at least 20 seconds) or alcohol based (60% or higher) hand sanitizer
- Wear a mask to avoid transmitting the infection to others.
- Clean your surrounding environment yourself everyday, if not possible the person cleaning the room should wear a disposable mask, gloves and gown.
- Inform your doctor if your symptoms are worsening